O admirable Saint Martha, I have recourse to thee and I depend entirely on thy intercession in my trials. In thanksgiving, I promise to spread this devotion everywhere. I humbly beg thee to console me in all my difficulties. By the immense joy that filled thy soul when thou didst receive the Redeemer of the world at thy home in Bethany, be pleased to intercede for me and my family, in order that we may keep God in our hearts and therefore, deserve to obtain the remedy to our necessities, especially the present situation that overwhelms me (mention your request). I implore thee, O auxiliatrix in all our needs; help us to overcome our difficulties, thou who so victoriously fought the devil. Amen.
Are you a workaholic person? A housekeeper? A cook? Yes, these are the few words that describe the identity of this humble house maiden of Bethany who have defended the sublime dignity of work and housekeeping, before Jesus. Eventually by God’s grace, she turned into an illustrious powerful maiden in Paradise, the House of the Father! Come, pray, and experience Saint Martha’s powerful generosity of intercession especially to the strangers who might want to experience similar generosity that she herself have rendered to Jesus Christ, The Master himself!
Personal Composed Litany Prayer as a Grateful Tribute to Saint Martha of Bethany (Patron of Cooks, Housekeepers, and Busy People) by Fray Bobby S. Castellano Jr., OP
This Litany Prayer is dedicated to the zealous devotees of the lowly virgin of Bethany!
Novena Period: July 20-28/Feast Day: July 29
S-elfless oblation to the God of Work, pray for us.
A-ffable servant who generously served the noble guest, Jesus, pray for us.
I-lluminated by Christ that her sister Mary have chosen the better part, pray for us.
N-otable model of generosity for serving guests, pray for us.
T-eacher par excellence of sublime dignity of work, pray for us.
M-agnanimously chosen by the Triune God, to intercede for her beloved brother Lazarus, pray for us.
A-dvocates of cooks, butlers, and housekeepers, pray for us.
R-esplendent model of holiness, pray for us.
T-rue mistress of hospitality and guest accommodation, pray for us.
H-umble disciple of her Master, Jesus Christ, until death, pray for us.
A-dvance in divine wisdom to recognize that Christ is the Son of God, pray for us.
O-ne with the Suffering Christ in serving the person of strangers and homeless, pray for us.
F-ortified by the Paraclete in taming the beast Tarasque, pray for us.
B-ore the name, Martha, which in Aramaic means “mistress or lady”, pray for us.
E-xcellent model of attaining sanctity through dutifully attending to menial labors, pray for us.
T-actful preacher of the gospel in Provence, France, pray for us.
H-eart filled with compassion in attending the needs of the visiting Jesus, pray for us.
A-dmonisher of sloth, laziness, and mediocrity, pray for us.
N-otable loving sister to her brother, Saint Lazarus, and sister, Saint Mary, pray for us.
Y-ielder of multitude of miracles, anchored on her meritorious power, before the Son of God as narrated in the gospel of John, pray for us.
V. Pray for us, O Saint Martha of Bethany.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray: Almighty Father, you bestowed to your beloved handmaid, Saint Martha of Bethany, the gift of valuing the sublime dignity of work as a means of glorifying the God of Work. By the help of her unfailing prayers, we too be truly faithful to our Christian duty by working for the salvation of our souls and tilling labors to save the soul of others, despite the difficulties it entails. Through the inexhaustible merits before the throne of the Triune God, of our beloved advocate, Saint Martha, grant us a sound health of body and soul. And in return we can become God’s instrument to unconditionally serve the Suffering and Poor Christ in the person of strangers and homeless. By the powerful patronage and protection of the lowly house maiden of Bethany, turned, an illustrious, powerful heavenly maiden of Heaven, The House of the Father, Saint Martha, may we be preserved from all the assaults of the adversaries of faith, continue to grow in the spirit of charity and generosity until we can gratefully greet her in Paradise someday. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Saint Martha of Bethany, pray for us. (3X)
Santa Marta de Pateros (PNG)